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Our client opinion matters a lot
Thanks a lot a Pravin for such a wonderful website. We at team brothcraft indeed made the right choice of getting our website developed by you and tha...

Siddharth Mudaliar
Head of Digital Marketing & Business (Brothcraft.com)
Having worked with numerous early stage and growth phase firms, Pravin and team has good idea of the needs of the clients as per their phase in their ...

Sandeep Vadnere
VP Product (Homesfy.in)
We develop custom solutions
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Must have Marketing News App
Marketingwood App consolidates all your latest trending marketing news, events, updates at one place. No need to login, no credit...
Digital Marketing with RACE Framework
As a marketer, you will come across many theoretical models available to use to improve your thinking and marketing strategies....
MarketingWood: Handpicked Marketing news and updates for you
Fellow Marketeers and Knowledge Seekers. Here is my handpicked collection of marketing news, events and happenings. If you are looking...
Marketing news and updates for you
Here is my handpicked collection of marketing news, events and happenings which may be related to you. Please subscribe to...
How to Utilize Gamification Strategies For Engaging Users on The Platform
Wikipedia defines – Gamification is the application of game-design elements and game principles in non-game contexts. It can also be...
Need for Design Thinking With Marketing Perspective
In today’s era, the market is experiencing radical changes. As a strategy to cope with the exceedingly high competition; you...
Latest Marketing News around the globe
Instagram allows sending and receiving Direct Messages on web Instagram rolled out Instagram Direct messaging on the web feature. With...
Rise to the Challenge with Corona-adapted SEO Content
Whether the unprecedented societal reaction to the Corona pandemic is justified or not, the fact remains that the institutional response...
Marketing Updates around the globe
LUMA’s latest Market Report covers the public and private markets during Q1 2020. Amid the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic,...
Why Business Needs a Digital Marketing Consultant
Determining a marketing tactic and strategy for a successful project is a hard choice that a company can take. While...
Fantasy sports in India: Will it continue to be a thing?
Fantasy sports which is also known as Dungeons and Dragons for jocks in the United States is becoming a growing...
Why startups need a Marketing Strategist?
The difference between ordinary and extraordinary is that little extra. –Jimmy Johnson Marketing and branding are crucial keys to the...
Must Join Groups for Marketing Professionals on LinkedIn
Connecting with like minded people online is such a challenge when it come to professional networking platforms, many of us...
How to remain Job Ready in Marketing Domain?
Marketing it’s a domain in continuous change. It can be challenging to keep up with all the changes in this...
Internet and Marketing Industry Updates
Why you need to use Live Google Pin (in android) Less known but useful update: Live Google Pin the score...
Current Marketing Trends and How to Keep Up in 2020
If there’s one thing you can say with confidence about marketing and marketing trends, they’re always on the move. Professionals...
Marketing Tree
A post since long, thought of starting with this picture. As they say – a picture is worth a thousand...
Creative Marketing Online
When two brands take it to the next level It started with Zomato taking on Netflix And then Netflix responded...
Learn The Art of Taking Targets Positively
Keep your face to the sunshine and you cannot see a shadow. ~ Helen Keller Believing you can, is perhaps...
Four Must Have Career Tips For An Aspiring Online Marketing Consultant
If you соnѕidеr yourself to bе аn internet mаrkеting еxреrt or your are an aspiring online marketing consulatant, then thiѕ...
3 Typical Misconceptions About Online Marketing
Fоr the grоwing business, the imрlеmеntаtiоn оf carefully tаrgеtеd, high-quаlitу mаrkеting initiatives can mаkе all the diffеrеnсе. Thе wоrld of...
Using Viral Marketing To Draw An Endless Stream Of Targeted Traffic To Your Websites
It has to be one of the most simple yet powerful internet marketing & branding tactics – viral marketing. Done...
Before you decide on Digital Marketing as a Career in India
Digital Marketing, a New Trend to Earn Money. Digital marketing is the modern way for advertisement which has grown and...
The Effectiveness of Dynamic Remarketing
It’ѕ timе уоu gave уоur business a boost аnd put a stop tо losing website visitors bеfоrе thеу perform аnу...
Online Startup Business: Ways to raise Funding
Having a start up is a good step if you want to have successful business in the future. However, the...
Multiple Domain Strategy For Marketing
Buying multiple domains may be perceived as excessive, however utilizing those domain in a proper way could tremendously enhance search...
Going Viral With Funny Photos: A quick how to guide
Evеrуоnе hаѕ a sense оf humor аnd thаt саn hеlр уоu promote уоur website if уоu knоw hоw tо leverage...
5 Distinct Advantages of choosing Online Marketing over Traditional
In past several years, online marketing starts to influence to the businesses and many worldwide companies still do not understand...
What is Audience Targeting and Why you need to know about it?
The first step in every marketing campaign is to define your target audience. Your target audience is a set of...
Useful Online Marketing Tips and Tools for Low Budget Firms
“If you always do what you always did, you will always get what you always got.” ~ Albert Einstein. As...
The Perfect Channel Marketing Mix
How much should be the Brand spend in the marketing budget? Out of that, what should be ideal mix of...
Online Marketing: Analysis Vs Paralysis
All companies big or small are moving towards the ROI(Return on Investment) and revenue. No channels spared and online marketing...
How to Maximize ROI in eCommerce using Email Marketing
Email marketing is a mature cost effective channel and is extremely effective and a major revenue generator. Within emails there...
4 Things to Learn From Your Competitors
Brands needs to evolve continuously, growth stops when learning and experimentation is not given as much importance as business development and...
What Makes Email Marketing so Crucial?
What is email marketing? The dream of every business is to have increased sales and therefore an ultimate increase in...