Infosys Chief Mentor N R Narayana Murthy said on Monday that though India was 20 years ahead of China in the Information Technology (IT) sector, Beiji...
Google Invading users privacy?
According to Privacy International, Internet users concerned about prying eyes following their online lives would be dismayed to learn that Google rec...
India: Internet Stats : Facts : Cyber Cafes : 2007
According to World Internet Stats, while 29% browsers surf on the English board, as many as 15% prefer to do so in Chinese.India’s great internet dr...
Yahoo CEO Salary worries shareholders
According to Mercury News, At least two independent proxy advisory firms are urging Yahoo shareholders to protest Chief Executive Terry Semel’s ...
Importance of June 7 in US
June 7 is US National World Internet Safety Day ? Turns out that in the middle of May, Joe Lieberman, Barack Obama, Ted “Tubes” Stevens, a...
Internet Safety for children
Internet Saftety for Kids and Online Users in US A news reporting for internet security concerns said: Turns out that in the middle of May, Joe Lieber...
Dedicated IP and SEO
Do search engines prefer Dedicated Ips to rank higher than shared IP hosted sites? What is a dedicated IP ?An IP (Internet Protocol) address dedicated...
How Sponsored links can be dangerous ?
Are sponsored search links risky ? Let me tell you what is the sponsored link first ::According to WikipediaSponsored links are text-based advertiseme...
How to Make Money From a Website ?
A .com stands for commerce in practical sense.It means if you have a website , more probably you want to earn, in general essence of business. Million...
AJAX Web Applications
What is AJAX ? Ajax is a short form of “Asynchronous JavaScript and XML” used as a web appplication development technique generally for in...