Why you need to use Live Google Pin (in android) Less known but useful update: Live Google Pin the score feature for sports followers. Was first laun...
Google Testing New Layout for Search results?
Google is testing a new (card layout) for search results. Those in beta are a lucky few to have an experience...

Latest Google Pigeon update
Gооglе’ѕ recent uрdаtе – unofficially labeled the “Pigеоn” uрdаtе – iѕ imрасting the local search liѕtingѕ аѕѕосiаt...
Pivotal Tips to save your site from over-optimization and Google penalty
This is really a worrying factor in the SEO practice and keyword research industry. There are many website and blog owners who do not know anything ab...
What you should know about Google searches changes in recent time
The past six months has witnessed the progression of two significant modifications that will impact the sequence of Google search outcomes. One signif...
Top 10 keywords searched at Google India in 2013
So what are the most searched keywords in India on Google? The intention of discussing these keywords in the context of India’s most preferred s...
Post-Panda World and Duplicate Content Issues with SEO
While it is correct that Panda did not alter everything about SEO, but still without doubt it has been a wake-up call about SEO issues that has been o...
Test and Analyze the Google Penguin Anti-Spam Algorithmic Rule
Google introduced the Penguin to create more natural search outcomes; nevertheless loads of high-quality internet sites also experienced the effects. ...
Setting the SEO Schemes to Survive through Panda and Penguin updates
During the past few months of Google’s updates, quality audits, notices to webmasters and surprises, most of us have been virtually trying to li...
Using Google+ Local to Improve Search Visibility
First major mention for Google+ came in 28th june’11. The day when Larry Page addressed about 10 Million Google+ users, One Billion shared items...