Here is a collection of whats new in the industry. For latest news, updates and important mentions from the industry perspective: Marketing, Search,So...

Latest updates and changes related to the PPC strategy
The world of online advertising is changing constantly. The so called new rules of marketing are already becoming out of date. If the plan is to only ...
Facebook paper, now in stores near you + Facebook video timeline
Surprised, aren’t you? A day before I saw this title and the first thing that came to my mind was really? Facebook is into Newspaper now? But wh...
8 Ways to Develop Newsworthy Content & Earn Trust
In today’s Internet age, “likes” on Facebook and “tweets” on Twitter determine a post’s popularity or even existence. Digital Marketing Ex...
Online Marketing Buzz this week, latest updates
Latest buzz about SEO and internet marketing around the Globe: Here is what is going on – online and offline as well in the arena of SEO / SEM /...
Wolfram alpha – the computational search engine
They say, its a new challenge to Google’s throne , well who knows? Some strange and innovative comparison search engine is being evolved. The na...
Google : Gmail powered with Video Chat Service , New!
Google has embedded a new feature in its Gmail interface, this is Video, yes and you are right, another blow to the popular Yahoo! messenger. + you ca...
Changing Gtalk Icons : Amazing Tool
If you have noticed, some ‘intelligent”people do change the google talk ( Gtalk) icon to idle while they are online.For example: Actual St...
Google selling Performics to Publicis
Google is selling off its much controversial buy Performics ( the search marketing arm of $3.1 billion acquisition of DoubleClick) . This is a well ex...
Mixturtle >> Music Search Engine
æ Z Z Z Z ▌ Did you get the news? A new “Music Search Engine” has been launched namely Mixturtle !! Checkout what the turtle is having ...