There are some sites, my friends are getting many references with the messages like ” earn online”, ” no investment required” , “work from home”, earn X amount of money per day, X person got a flat via online earning .
I would like to convey my view on such sites.
Not essentially every site is a fraud saying all these stuff, but the user has to decide on its own with conscience and logic.
One case recently came to my notice:
The site is offering a work from home opportunity and showing the dreams to earn a lot without “any” efforts. Those who are not quite aware of the Google’s webmaster tools and Google’s options for webmasters and publishers such as Google Adwords ( for advertisers) and Google Adsense ( for website owners / webmasters) are possible targets to fall in to the trap.
The dreams which start “twist” the data – facts to show what they want to.
For example one site says, you get a site from us, then you will get a code from Google, you have to put that code in your site, you will earn per click ( minimum 5 to 200 Rs.), Google will send you a big cheque every month and this is all without any effort !!
Well some of the things are true here, of course like the model of adsense is explained without naming the Google property. Although its suspicious how much one can earn ( Rs. 5 is definately not a minimum) and there are website owners who have earned 50 Rs. for a complete year!!
My advise as a responsible netizen to those who are in search of quick money, wake up, see the world in the practical light.
There are no free lunches my friend!