The marketing field has changed a lot with the increase of social media sites like Twitter, LinkedIn and Facebook. Social media trends changed rapidly over the last couple of years and today companies are attracting users with videos, pictures, articles, tweets and anything else that has comments and creates a following. It means that these companies are looking for those people who know how to create online buzz.There are many people who are in search of jobs and all of them are turning their blogging experience into new professions in social media. To get social media jobs, the candidate should have knowledge on computer technologies, marketing or copywriting.
The pay is also high in this emerging field. For full time, the pay ranges from $50,000 to lakhs. People get paid in this field for the experience they have in the past. A graduate who has just passed out may earn $25,000 as a social media manager, however if you are experienced in marketing, the pay would be about $80,000 per year; your company might move your responsibilities to social media marketing for the same salary.
Many organizations that offer social media services to big firms are appointing employees. Even then, the majority of the social media jobs are part time rather than full time. The advantage is that the rates paid per hour can be high; $200 to $ 300 an hour. The lowest rate that anybody should take up for this job is $50 per hour. Many of the people are charging $100 per hour. Social media courses help you to get certified in the field of social media marketing.
Here are few of the social media jobs and also the skills needed:
Blogger: Posting short articles with links of websites is now a common practice to improve the ranking of a website in search engines like Google. The hourly pay of a blogger would be in the range of $40 to $ 80. Many of the bloggers will have training in journalism, but those who enter this field will have their own personal blogs and they use them to try-out for commercial blogging jobs.
Online customer service rep / ORM : Many of the organizations study the customer complaints on the social media websites. An online customer service rep or online reputation management (ORM) executiveshould work hard to give quality service to their customers. Candidates with excellent language command and those who can explain well can get job in this field.
Social media marketing specialist: The job of a social media marketing specialist is to take the marketing resources from an existing firm and pass around successfully in all the social media channels available.
Social media strategist: This is the one of the top most jobs in the social media marketing. These experts know how to create social media marketing drives and they know how to plan their success. These strategists also manage social media teams in the bigger organizations. These are the professionals who put all plans together.
Today, there are a lot opportunities for SMO jobs, you just need to hit ‘search’